Tuesday, July 14, 2009

ok our blog has DIED and ROTTED for dunno how long and i'm wondering y am i trying to revive it= =maybe cuz i got things to let out or stuff

1st life in the standards: eeeeerrrr hk,yx,andy,alex,boo all in army le= =left me in sept 11th intake and we dun really meet up much anymore. still do meet up with andy when he book out of tekong but the rest?hk suspected H1N1 victim....yx recently went in last thurs....boo dunno doing wad....alex also dunno doin wad.
oh ya, andy's GF now is doris= =from sec sch which we all know....hope they can last while andy's in the army(which may be a problem)
hk and ky as always........still together(so jealous la= = wish i could find a gf by now)

now talk bout me= =rotting at hm w8in for army....
AND............tink my love for some1 rekinded again= =seems stupid but i dunno
when love calls,who can resist?

well i dun even tink anyone is gonna read this blog so to heck with it! just writing down my thoughts....

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